The admission officer from Huron University College came to NOIC to issue face-to-face university offers. NOIC Hats Competition live photo

1.      Face-to-face university offer issuing

On 16th February, the admission officer from Huron University College prepared four Western University-Huron university college admission letters and planned to issue them to four NOIC students face to face. It’s the 1st time university admission officer coming to NOIC campus to personally issue the offer after the Covid-19 pandemic!

Can’t wait to open the admission package!What an exciting moment!

Let’s congratulate these four NOIC students! What a success!

2. NOIC Hats Competition

On 6th February, NOIC’s annual Hats Competition was officially launched in the classroom of the credit course teacher Melissa. Students used their imaginations to proudly show out their crafted masterpiece in the event.

Four hats waiting to be scored

NOIC students have prepared story behind each work showed out

As leader of the evaluator team, Vice Principal Ms. Devi was carefully checking the evaluation form, so did the other mentor evaluators.

NOIC credit course teachers are also evaluating the work one by one!


NOIC Academy 


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NOIC was invited to participate in three Lunar New Year celebration events organized by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario and FCCM

1. Lunar New Year reception organized by the Prime Minister of Canada

On January 31, NOIC was invited to participate in the celebration of the Lunar New Year celebration event held by the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau at Parliament Hill in the capital Ottawa. This Lunar New Year special reception was hosted by MP Jean Yip, an “old friend” of NOIC

NOIC CEO & President Roy and NOIC VP Claire met with Canadian Minister of Housing and Multiculturalism Hussen, MP Jean Yip, International Trade Minister Mary Ng, MP Paul, MP Han, MP Shaun, MP Salma, the former trustee of York University in Canada, together with the Prime Minister of Canada, and celebrated this wonderful Lunar New Year moment with everyone at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Event video:

2. FCCM Lunar New Year event

On February 4th and 5th, NOIC participated in another Lunar New Year celebration event organized by FCCM. NOIC CEO & President Roy, the mayor of City of Markham Frank Scarpitti, Canadian MPs, Markham city councillor, and the organizer FCCM completed the traditional “Lion Dance Finishing Eyes” together, and appreciated the performances.  

Four MPs presenting the greeting letter from the Prime Minister of Canada

Mayor of City of Markham Frank Scarpitti presented a pop song

NOIC CEO & President Roy, delivered a New Year message to the audience

NOIC CEO & President Roy, with Canadian Minister of Housing and Multiculturalism Hussen and MP Jean Yip

3. Lunar New Year reception organized by the Premier of Ontario

On February 2, Ontario Premier Doug Ford held the 2023 Lunar New Year Reception in Toronto. NOIC CEO & President Roy, NOIC VP Claire, Ontario provincial members, Minister of Ontario, Chair of the board of Education in York region, and Co-Chairman of the advisory committee of the Toronto Police Service department participated together in this great New Year celebration event.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford expressed Lunar New Year congratulations to everyone at the event


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32 NOIC student volunteers celebrated three 2023 Lunar New Year events

At the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, a total of 32 NOIC student volunteers participated in the three grand Lunar New Year events together with residents in the local community, NOIC CEO & President Roy, NOIC EVP Claire, NOIC Principal Timothy and other local government officials.

Jan.28th Lunar New Year Event

On January 28, many lovely citizens of City of Markham and VIP guests came to the NOIC campus to celebrate this 2023 Lunar New Year Event. 32 NOIC student volunteers assisted the event organizer in successfully completing the guest reception and on-site coordination of the event.

NOIC student volunteers are strictly following the rules from the event organizer. 

How to coordinate the lunch service for more than 250 participants is really a good question

VIP guests are intrigued by the performance

Group photo after the event

Everyone received delicious snacks from the organizer

To lead a way for event participants is one of the most frequent volunteer works on that day 

FCCM New Year Event

At the same time as the grand New Year’s event held in the NOIC campus gymnasium on the 28th, NOIC also participated in another event celebrating the 2023 Luna New Year in Markham, organized by FCCM, Toronto.

As a Diamond Sponsor, NOIC celebrated this New Year celebration with friends from the local community at the event.

Since NOIC moved to Markham, Toronto in the fall of 2019, City of Markham Mayor Frank has maintained a close and friendly relationship with NOIC, and it’s positive the cooperation between NOIC and City of Markham will get much more closer in the year of 2023.


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NOIC 2023 Lunar New Year Event

On January 20, all NOIC students, credit course teachers and staff participated in the 2023 Lunar New Year celebration in the campus gymnasium.

“Secret guest”congratulatory video, dumplings for lunch, exciting pinball games, calligraphy contest…… Everyone was having fun on that day.

Photos and video incoming!

Lunch time

New Year’s group lunch
Delicious dumplings
All NOIC mentors were personally serving the students at the event
Happy meal pick-up moment for NOIC credit course teacher Melissa!
The happy holiday atmosphere makes people feel warm!

Game time

Group basketball shooting
To find a way!”
Not easy for a group!
“Can you guess what I am describing?”
“What a skill for using the chopsticks”
“One of the most welcomed games!”
Students are having fun at the event.
NOIC credit course teacher Hassan:“I am about to show my talent!”
Another exciting game at the event
Calligraphy show time!
What a masterpiece from students!

Winner time

Good times are always short. According to the NOIC credit teacher’s score for each game, everyone finally cheered for the winner of the team game and the calligraphy contest!

Event video as below:


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2022 NOIC Christmas Luncheon | HAPPY HOLIDAY


On December 21­st, the 2022 NOIC Christmas Luncheon was successfully held at the NOIC Gymnasium. This most anticipated Christmas event of the year ended perfectly with cheers and laughter. The Christmas event this year is the first offline event that NOIC students have participated since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic at the end of 2019. After nearly 3 years, the enthusiasm of all teachers, students and staff of NOIC was completely ignited in the campus gymnasium on the afternoon of the 21st…

Christmas Luncheon

A truly spectacular moment in the gymnasium!

NOIC’s credit course teachers are also very cute when they check on the Christmas dishes


NOIC Principal Timothy Yawney and Vice-Principal Ms. Devi are very interested in the pastries


Much curiosity about the Christmas gift here!

NOIC Principal Timothy Yawney told students never leave their eyes on the big screen when winners being drew!

01 NOIC credit course teachers on stage

02 Students are getting excited

We got 10 lucky winners!

03 Time for winners!

We got seven 3rd prize winners!

Three 1st to 3rd prize winners! Congrats!


With the festive greetings sent by NOIC President Roy to the students and all staff at the end of the event, this spectacular 2022 Christmas event has come to a successful ending. Merry Christmas to every one of you! 

Event video as below:


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NOIC student has achieved full IELTS scores. Admission letter from the University of Waterloo has officially arrived!

1. Two good news

Just recently, two NOIC Class of 2022 students received a sudden surprise. One of them, student Chen, achieved a full score of 9 in both reading and listening in IELTS and received a total average score of 8, while the other student Du has already received an early offer from a top Canadian university, an admission letter from the University of Waterloo, and the major is Honours Arts and Business, Co-op.

Student Chen was able to achieve full scores in both IELTS reading and listening in high school, which has already been far ahead of almost all international students in Canada. Frankly speaking, even for a Canadian-born local, it’s not easy to get a full score of 9 in IELTS listening and reading, not to mention it is quite challenging for an international student to get full score in such a global standardized language test.

At the same time, Student Du in NOIC has already received an early offer from the University of Waterloo at the end of November, an admission letter major in Honours Arts and Business (Co-op). Normally, the majority number of university offers are scheduled to be issued to applicants at the beginning of the year, while student who is able to obtain admission letter in such an early time is extremely lucky, specially receiving offer from one of the top Canadian universities. University of Waterloo has shown its full recognition and trust to NOIC and students in the school.

Let’s once again congratulate the above two NOIC students, we are proud of you for achieving such outstanding achievements!

2. NOIC embraced 22-23 winter term opening day

Last Friday, NOIC students gathered in the campus library to participate in the kick-off meeting for the new winter semester. Principal Timothy Yawney, together with vice Principal Ms. Devi and all NOIC credit course teachers, has joined the event.

As the prospective graduates of this year have begun to receive admission letters from top universities all around the world, we are here wishing all grade-12 students in NOIC will be able to receive offers from their favorite universities in the short future! Your dream will never be late, NOIC students!

NOIC Academy 2022.12.8

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Admission officers from University of Waterloo and University of Guelph visited NOIC.

University of Waterloo Information Session

After information session from University of Toronto, Queen’s University, University of Windsor and University of Alberta, on November 22nd, the admission officer from University of Waterloo officially visited NOIC and brought students a great admission presentation. The well-known Co-op project and the high employment rate of students who graduate from mathematics and computer science major are very interested by NOIC students.

The University of Waterloo is one of the schools that Microsoft recruits the most graduates

University of Waterloo offer showing out (NOIC graduates, class of 2022):

Mr. Wang, University of Waterloo, Mathematics/financial analysis and risk management. Co-op.(Top offer from UofW)

Mr. Zhang, University of Waterloo, Mathematics

Mr. Liu, University of Waterloo, Mathematics

Mr. Tang, University of Waterloo, Sustainability and financial management

Mr. Xu, University of Waterloo, Mathematics

Mr. Yang, University of Waterloo, Mathematics/Business administration

Ms. She, University of Waterloo, Mathematics/financial analysis and risk management. Co-op.(Top offer from UofW)

Mr. Yu, Wilfrid Laurier University business administration and computer science at University of Waterloo double degree

Ms. Zhang, University of Waterloo, Science

University of Guelph Information Session

On December 1st, the admission officer from University of Guelph visited NOIC and shared an extraordinary university presentation to NOIC students.

NOIC Academy 2022.12.2

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Announcement: NOIC as the global partner from Dean’s Round-up in the school of science at York University. Admission officers from University of Windsor and Simon Fraser University visited NOIC.

01 The school of science at York University announced NOIC to be its global partner

With the latest announcement from Dean’s Round-up in the school of science at York University, it was officially announced that NOIC has become a global partner of the school of science at York University. In the future, students from NOIC Academy will be automatically enrolled in the fast track of application when applying for the school of Science at York University as their target university. In addition to simplified application paperwork and early application acceptance, the joint scholarship program established by NOIC and York University will also be awarded to NOIC graduates in the first place.

02 University information session from University of Windsor

Right after admission officer from University of Toronto, in the morning of November 10th, the admission officer from the University of Windsor came to the NOIC and sent “the greetings from the Motor City” to all the students.

The University of Windsor (U of W or UWindsor) is a public research university in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It is Canada’s southernmost university. It has approximately 12,000 full-time and part-time undergraduate students and 4,000 graduate students. The university was incorporated by the provincial government in 1962, and has graduated more than 135,000 alumni. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

03 Greetings from Simon Fraser University

In the afternoon on 17th November, the admission officer from Simon Fraser University, one of the top universities in Canada, arrived at NOIC and brought the students university information session of this great university from the west coast of Canada.

Simon Fraser University (SFU) is a public research university in British Columbia, Canada, with three campuses, all in Greater Vancouver: Burnaby (main campus), Surrey, and Vancouver. The 170-hectare (420-acre) main Burnaby campus on Burnaby Mountain, located 20 kilometres (12 mi) from downtown Vancouver, was established in 1965 and comprises more than 30,000 students and 160,000 alumni. (Quoted from Wikipedia)

NOIC Academy 2022.11.18

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NOIC welcomed admission officers from McMaster University, King’s College of Western University and Toronto Metropolitan University

In the past two weeks, NOIC has welcomed three admission officers from Canada’s top universities to share the university info sessions. The three senior university admission officers are from Toronto Metropolitan University, King’s College of Western University and McMaster University.

1. Toronto Metropolitan University

TMU Toronto Metropolitan University is located in the center of Toronto, surrounded by a large number of world-leading companies and the headquarters of major Canadian companies. If students enroll in TMU, the school’s versatile paid internship Co-op programs will provide students with future career opportunities.

Please refer to for more information.

2. King’s University College

The admission officer from King’s college listed several advantages of the school, including graduating with a diploma from the Western University, holding a Western University student card, and being able to join all student clubs at Western University freely.

Ivey Business School is a very prestigious business school at Western University. It was established in 1922 and is also known as Canada’s “Little Harvard”. The relevant business majors in King’s College are affiliated to IVEY, which shows to be a good choice for NOIC students who want to study business in the future.

Please refer to for more information.

3. McMaster University

The admissions officer from McMaster University emphasized the importance of the students’ current OSSD course grades, and for students who want to study business in the future, the 11th grade academic performance is also crucial.

As two popular majors that NOIC students are more interested in, the admission requirements of McMaster Business and Computer Science are also very strict. For students who want to study the popular major of McMaster University, improving their grades is the top priority.

Please refer to for more information.

NOIC Academy 2022.10.26

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Admission officer from the University of British Columbia visited NOIC

NOIC embraced with the 2nd university info session in the fall of 2022. On 20th October, Ms.Thish, the admission officer from the University of British Columbia came to NOIC’s campus in Toronto and brought a “long-awaited” university info session to the NOIC students.

Some students raised question about whether UBC professors are strict, while some students have doubt if it’s hard to apply for UBC. In addition to patiently answering students’ questions, Ms. Thish also encouraged NOIC students to apply for UBC as the application for the entrance scholarships are automatically included in the UBC application package.

NOIC Academy 2022.10.15

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