The Ontario Secondary School Diploma is a diploma granted to high school graduates in the province of Ontario. It is part of the publicly founded province-wide school system. It is awarded to all students who complete the Ontario education curriculum.

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The main advantage conferred by obtaining the OSSD is access to the best university and college programs in Ontario and the rest of Canada. Most postsecondary education institutions will require a valid and complete OSSD to consider application into their programs.

The mission of NOIC is to inspire students to improve their lives and expand their horizon through a lifelong commitment to learning, by empowering students to achieve their academic potential,  to build self-confidence, and to develop a global vision which embraces cultural differences and promotes cultural exchanges.

OSSD Requirements

30 credits (18 compulsory + 12 elective)

40 hours of community service

Provincial secondary school literacy test

University Preparation Program

With the total of four semesters, NOIC provides the most flexibility and intensive courses to students who want to challenge themselves and admit to challenge themselves and admit to their dream Universities.

September & October

Fall Semester


Winter Semester


Spring Semester
(Highly recommended)


Summer Semester
(Highly recommended)

Outreach Programs

The engineering stream at NOIC Academy includes participation in University sponsored high school programs in Grade 11 and Grade 12. These programs are meant to facilitate student learning of engineering concepts and principles, as well as to introduce students to university-level academic requirements. At NOIC Academy, we present highly-motivated students with opportunities that will assist them with university applications and provide an invaluable subject-specific experience.

The faculty of applied science and engineering at the University of Toronto offers two programs:

The Engineering High School Saturday Program

This is an enrichment program for students in grades 9 to 11 looking to explore exciting new topics in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), as well as learn more about success in and after university. This is a program that will introduce students to a wide range of topics, such as:

Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (Deep)

This enrichment program is designed for highly motivated high school students with an aptitude for science and math, and a desire to pursue engineering studies at University. The program offers an in-depth study of a specific field, and it provides students with a head start in their university career.

The faculty of engineering at the University of Waterloo
offers one summer program.

Catalyst Summer Program

The program empowers high school students to be the agents of change in their community, and the world, by creating opportunities for them to increase awareness, confidence and leadership abilities in engineering, science and technology. The program focuses on two themes over two weeks in the summer. Week one is centered around Engineering Design, creative problem solving and collaborative design projects. Week two builds on the skills learned from week one, and introduces business/entrepreneurship work and team-based projects to create solutions to engineering problems.

Our Achievements


University Enrollment rate


University of Toronto Enrollment Rate


University of Waterloo Enrollment Rate


Application Procedure

  • Step 1 - Tour

    Visit NOIC and tour our facility

  • Step 2 - Plan

    Meet with our NOIC Academic faculty to design an individualized education plan

  • Step 3 - Application

    Submit your application package.

    1. Transcript from previous schools or report cards from your elementary school

    2. Application Forms

  • Step 4 - Accessment

    Complete the Admission Test (Math and English)

  • Step 5 - Deposit

    Pay tuition deposit

  • Step 6 - Admission

    Finalize the offer of admission and the timetable

  • Step 7 - Payment

    Pay full tuition for your first year

For More Information

Fill out the form below and we will get in touch within 24 hours.