Students embracing admissions to University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, King’s College London, and Durham University are coming. NOIC welcomes the 1st wave of university offers!

In the past three weeks, NOIC has been embracing the 1st wave of university admission letters that have arrived ahead of schedule. Many students were overjoyed, and some even shouted loudly “The summer vacation is coming!”. Among all the admission letters received, many of them are from several top universities in Canada, including University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Queen’s University, McMaster University and etc.

At the same time, many students also received offers from King’s College London, Durham University, and Birmingham University. As time goes by, NOIC will continue to receive more university admission letters. At this moment, let’s once again congratulate the students who have been admitted to the university in advance, congratulations!

Partial admission offers show out (Universities are ranked in no particular order)

Grade 12 student Charles

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Toronto Mississauga  – Commerce
  2. McMaster University – Math & Statistics Gateway($1,000 Scholarship)

Grade 12 student Liu

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Toronto St George – Humanities

Grade 12 student Jill

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Waterloo – Honours Arts and Business, Co-op
  2. McMaster University – Business($2,500 Scholarship)
  3. McMaster University – Math & Statistics Gateway

Grade 12 student Jason

Received admission letters from:

  1. McMaster University– Business($1,500 Scholarship)
  2. McMaster University– Math & Statistics Gateway
  3. McMaster University– Economics($1,500 Scholarship)

Grade 12 student Chris

Received admission letters from:

  1.  University of Waterloo – Honours Arts and Business

Grade 12 student Tim

Received admission letters from:

1. University of Toronto Scarborough – Mathematics

Grade 12 student Charlie

Received admission letters from:

1.  Queen’s University –

Applied Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Stream 

Grade 12 student Bob

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Toronto Scarborough – Physical and Environmental Sciences 
  2. Western University -Sciences

Grade 12 student Sylvia

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Toronto Mississauga– Communication, Culture, Information and Technology 

Grade 12 student Eric

Received admission letters from:

  1.  King’s College London – History 

Grade 12 student Gavin

Received admission letters from:

  1. University of Toronto Scarborough – Social Sciences and Humanities 
  2. Queen’s University -Arts

Grade 12 student Zou

Received admission letters from:

  1. McMaster University–Social Sciences

Grade 12 student Zhang

Received admission letters from:

  1. Durham University – electrical engineering
  2. University of Birmingham – Engineering


NOIC Academy 


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The admission officer from Huron University College came to NOIC to issue face-to-face university offers. NOIC Hats Competition live photo

1.      Face-to-face university offer issuing

On 16th February, the admission officer from Huron University College prepared four Western University-Huron university college admission letters and planned to issue them to four NOIC students face to face. It’s the 1st time university admission officer coming to NOIC campus to personally issue the offer after the Covid-19 pandemic!

Can’t wait to open the admission package!What an exciting moment!

Let’s congratulate these four NOIC students! What a success!

2. NOIC Hats Competition

On 6th February, NOIC’s annual Hats Competition was officially launched in the classroom of the credit course teacher Melissa. Students used their imaginations to proudly show out their crafted masterpiece in the event.

Four hats waiting to be scored

NOIC students have prepared story behind each work showed out

As leader of the evaluator team, Vice Principal Ms. Devi was carefully checking the evaluation form, so did the other mentor evaluators.

NOIC credit course teachers are also evaluating the work one by one!


NOIC Academy 


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NOIC was invited to participate in three Lunar New Year celebration events organized by the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario and FCCM

1. Lunar New Year reception organized by the Prime Minister of Canada

On January 31, NOIC was invited to participate in the celebration of the Lunar New Year celebration event held by the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau at Parliament Hill in the capital Ottawa. This Lunar New Year special reception was hosted by MP Jean Yip, an “old friend” of NOIC

NOIC CEO & President Roy and NOIC VP Claire met with Canadian Minister of Housing and Multiculturalism Hussen, MP Jean Yip, International Trade Minister Mary Ng, MP Paul, MP Han, MP Shaun, MP Salma, the former trustee of York University in Canada, together with the Prime Minister of Canada, and celebrated this wonderful Lunar New Year moment with everyone at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Event video:

2. FCCM Lunar New Year event

On February 4th and 5th, NOIC participated in another Lunar New Year celebration event organized by FCCM. NOIC CEO & President Roy, the mayor of City of Markham Frank Scarpitti, Canadian MPs, Markham city councillor, and the organizer FCCM completed the traditional “Lion Dance Finishing Eyes” together, and appreciated the performances.  

Four MPs presenting the greeting letter from the Prime Minister of Canada

Mayor of City of Markham Frank Scarpitti presented a pop song

NOIC CEO & President Roy, delivered a New Year message to the audience

NOIC CEO & President Roy, with Canadian Minister of Housing and Multiculturalism Hussen and MP Jean Yip

3. Lunar New Year reception organized by the Premier of Ontario

On February 2, Ontario Premier Doug Ford held the 2023 Lunar New Year Reception in Toronto. NOIC CEO & President Roy, NOIC VP Claire, Ontario provincial members, Minister of Ontario, Chair of the board of Education in York region, and Co-Chairman of the advisory committee of the Toronto Police Service department participated together in this great New Year celebration event.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford expressed Lunar New Year congratulations to everyone at the event


NOIC Academy


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32 NOIC student volunteers celebrated three 2023 Lunar New Year events

At the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, a total of 32 NOIC student volunteers participated in the three grand Lunar New Year events together with residents in the local community, NOIC CEO & President Roy, NOIC EVP Claire, NOIC Principal Timothy and other local government officials.

Jan.28th Lunar New Year Event

On January 28, many lovely citizens of City of Markham and VIP guests came to the NOIC campus to celebrate this 2023 Lunar New Year Event. 32 NOIC student volunteers assisted the event organizer in successfully completing the guest reception and on-site coordination of the event.

NOIC student volunteers are strictly following the rules from the event organizer. 

How to coordinate the lunch service for more than 250 participants is really a good question

VIP guests are intrigued by the performance

Group photo after the event

Everyone received delicious snacks from the organizer

To lead a way for event participants is one of the most frequent volunteer works on that day 

FCCM New Year Event

At the same time as the grand New Year’s event held in the NOIC campus gymnasium on the 28th, NOIC also participated in another event celebrating the 2023 Luna New Year in Markham, organized by FCCM, Toronto.

As a Diamond Sponsor, NOIC celebrated this New Year celebration with friends from the local community at the event.

Since NOIC moved to Markham, Toronto in the fall of 2019, City of Markham Mayor Frank has maintained a close and friendly relationship with NOIC, and it’s positive the cooperation between NOIC and City of Markham will get much more closer in the year of 2023.


NOIC Academy 


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