On July 26th, the 2023 University Roundtable came to a successful conclusion in downtown Toronto.

During this forum, various topics related to academic recognition, educational technology, and educational equity were discussed by esteemed guests, including Jonathan Burdick – Vice Provost for Enrollment(Retired) at Cornell University, Kimberly Merritt-Vice President of Learning Enterprise at Arizona State University, Tamara Siler- Deputy director of Admission at Rice University, Dan Seneker- Student recruitment & Retention director at Bishop’s University and Paul Campbell- the IB Regional Development & Outreach and Blake Spahn-The Dwight School Vice Chancellor and other VIP guests.

Jonathan Burdick – Vice Provost for Enrollment(Retired) at Cornell University addressed a keynote speech during the forum.
As a warm-up event for the 2023 IB Global Conference, this University Roundtable, sponsored by NOIC Academy, brought together numerous world-renowned education experts in Toronto. The forum provided a rare opportunity for face-to-face exchanges and collisions between the IB organization, IB high schools, and top universities after the covid-19 pandemic. The successful convening of such a conference can be considered a rare “event” in the education community all around the world! Let us once again congratulate the successful hosting of the 2023 University Roundtable!

Highlights of the 2023 University Roundtable, Part 1

Sponsor Introduction:
Jeffrey Beard, Chairman of NOIC Academy Advisory board and former Director General of the IB (2006 -2014), specially hosted the 2023 University Roundtable. Directors from universities such as the University of Toronto, Queen’s University, York University, as well as IB school representatives, NOIC Academy management consultants. Ms. Ann Puntis, Management Advisor of NOIC Academy Advisory Board, former CEO of Cambridge Assessment International Education (2005-2013), and Ms. Helen Pennant, Director of Cambridge Trust, both participated in the forum’s discussions.

Highlights of the 2023 University Roundtable, Part 2

The event in progress:

Marie Vivas, IB Senior Outreach & Development Manager (left), and Dan Seneker, Director of Student Recruitment & Retention at Bishop’s University (right), as keynote speakers at 1st session of the event.

Jonathan Burdick – Vice Provost for Enrollment (Retired) at Cornell University, showed great interest in the forum’s topics.

Ann Puntis, Management Advisor of NOIC Academy Advisory Board, former CEO of Cambridge Assessment International Education (2005-2013), posed questions to the keynote speakers.

Jeffrey Beard, Chairman of NOIC Academy Advisory Board and Ann Puntis, Management Advisor of NOIC Academy Advisory Board, former CEO of Cambridge Assessment International Education (2005-2013), exchanged ideas with Kimberly Merritt, Vice President- Learning Enterprise at Arizona State University.

Kimberly Merritt, Vice President-Learning Enterprise at Arizona State University, showcased how ASU developed and utilized teaching resources during the covid-19 pandemic.

Roy, CEO & President of NOIC Academy, delivered the keynote speech on behalf of the event sponsor.

Blake Spahn, Vice Chancellor at the Dwight Global, delivered a keynote speech.

Tamara Siler, Deputy Director of Admission, Access and Inclusion at Rice University, and Jonathan Burdick – Vice Provost for Enrollment (Retired) at Cornell University jointly delivered a keynote speech.
Under the active participation and organization of Claire, the Executive Director of NOIC academy, NOIC academy advisory board member Ezio Crescenzi, Principal Laura Green, Vice Principal Leo, and colleagues from various departments of NOIC Academy in Toronto, the 2023 University Roundtable officially landed! More details about this event will be reported in the future.

Stay tuned, as the excitement from NOIC continues!
NOIC Academy