David Gordon taught Secondary Science (Grade 9 and 10 applied and enriched), Biology, Environmental Science and Co-operative Education for 30 years. As a Science educator, his pedagogical focus was on project-based inquiry learning, with an emphasis on collaborative teamwork, student led inquiry, and socially relevant content.
As the lead teacher of the Environment and Science SHSM program for ten years, he consistently attained a completion rate of 75-90%. Capital expenditures from this program allowed him to acquire over $40,000 of probeware for the Science department, which he used in his inquiry-based learning projects to make the “invisible visible” and to allow students to collect, analyze and understand detailed quantitative data.
As a Cooperative Education teacher, he led an expansion of partnerships into the Science and Not-For-Profit sectors, providing career learning opportunities for students at nurseries, pharmacies, veterinary offices, sustainability related NGOs and the University of Toronto Scarborough. He is an avid four-season urban bicycle commuter lives in a house with a green roof, and is co-owner of the EcoWisdom Forest Preserve.