We offer the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) program both online and at our physical campus in Markham, Canada. NOIC Academy’s onsite and online courses are regularly inspected by the Ontario Ministry of Education, typically every two years. Following our 2024 inspection, the Ministry extended our inspection cycle to three years in recognition of our outstanding implementation of the OSSD program.

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Definition of in-person and online learning at NOIC

In-person learning is any form of educational activities, such as teaching, assessments, counselling and extracurricular events, that occur in a brick-and-mortar environment. NOIC students’ in-person learning takes place at:

  1. NOIC’s campus in Markham, Greater Toronto Area, Canada; or
  2. NOIC’s partnering institutions overseas

The students who study in our partnering institutions will meet the criteria of in-person learning defined by NOIC Academy if the students participate in all learning activities as outlined in the agreement between NOIC and the partnering institutions. NOIC Academy has the right to ask the partnering institutions to must submit evidence of students’ participation in onsite learning, assessment, and extra-curriculum activities. 

NOIC online courses are offered in the mode of blended learning. Online learning refers to the educational activities facilitated through internet-based technologies such as Learning Management Platforms and Virtual Classrooms. NOIC online courses offer synchronous teaching via real-time online classrooms that connect certified teachers and overseas students, while those students attend in-person tutoring sessions, invigilated assessments and extracurricular activities at NOIC’s formalized partnering institutions overseas.


Our Partnering Institutions

To provide enhanced educational services and support for our online courses, NOIC Academy has established a partnership with Vision Overseas of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc. and an exclusive partnership with Beijing Royal Prime Education and Technology Corporation. These partnerships create an online/offline school community that encompasses all the learning and development needs of students.

NOIC Academy staff maintain an overview of all the services and communications among these partners to ensure high quality education delivered to each student in our online courses.

The partnering institutions also provide in-person or online learning support to students after they take online classes and monitor students’ progression throughout an academic semester.

Quality Assurance of Online Credit Courses

Each online course consists of 32 hours of live teaching and 78 hours of guided asynchronous learning. All online OSSD courses have unit test and final exams invigilated by designated NOIC teachers and teaching assistants/mentors from our partnering institutions. The Principal of NOIC Academy verifies and approves the final student evaluation of a course.

  • A dedicated administration team
  • Pastoral care and guidance services
  • Live instruction sessions
  • Asynchronous learning guided by the teacher
  • Live sessions supported by teaching assistance
  • Continuously reviews and updates credit courses

Student Assessment and Evaluation

Our certified OSSD teachers follow Ontario Ministry of Education’s Growing Success policy (2010) to assess and evaluate students’ academic performance and achievement

All student assessment instruments especially the exam papers for summative assessment are created by experienced subject teachers under the supervision of an academic administration team of the school and are signed off by the principal to meet an appropriate level of curriculum requirements and reliability

The summative assessment instruments are stored in the learning management system with password protection and the results of the assessment are moderated by the academic administration team

The school systematically reviews and revises assessment tools including tests, assignments, and exams annually

To ensure the integrity of student assessment, we employ a comprehensive range of security tools, including lockdown browsers, test invigilation, security cameras, and the use of plagiarism software

All unit tests and final exams are invigilated by our staff members with clearly designed and communicated protocols and policies

The administration team moderates all midterm and final grades to ensure alignment with historical school data and the Ministry’s curriculum expectations, and consistency across sessions of each subject

The school systematically reviews and revises assessment tools including tests, assignments, and exams annually

Approaches to teaching and learning for online OSSD courses

teaching and learning

The live instruction sessions take place in small groups, with an average class size of 15 students. Teachers use a range of teaching strategies, which will make the live teaching more engaging and interactive. The concept and practice of a flipped classroom is used in the live sessions for more high-level discussion and conceptual learning rather than just content delivery.

Synchronous teaching and learning is complemented by offline guided learning hours, individual study, and exam preparation, which are all supported by teaching assistants in one of our partnering institutions. We create module-based learning tasks with which students work through videos, guided inquiry questions, readings, as well as practice exams. All the asynchronous assignments will be monitored, commented, or marked by teachers.

During each semester, teachers are required to provide a variety of assessments, such as quizzes, unit tests, essays, and projects etc., to monitor student progress and enhance student learning. In terms of summative assessment, there is a final exam by the end of each course and a number of other tests at different points of the semester. Students receive feedback through a number of channels, including oral feedback during live sessions in ClassIn, marks and descriptive feedback for asynchronous assignments in Canvas, report cards at the mid-term and end of the semester, and emails from the teachers or meetings with the teachers when interventions are needed.

The subject teacher and a trained teacher assistant invigilate the final exam online. Using Respondus (lockdown browser) and additional cameras, the teacher and the teaching assistant ensures the integrity of the exam. Respondus locks the student computer during the live session exam, and the session is recorded if there is an issue. Students must complete the first module on plagiarism of a course before moving forward with other course modules.

Snapshot of the class of 2024
(Blended learning only)


Number of graduates


Number of university offers


Percentage of university enrollment

University admissions

NOIC Academy’s annual university enrolment rate is 100% and more than 80% of our graduates receive offers from the University of Toronto each year (One of the World’s Top 20 Universities). In the past three years, over 1000 students have graduated from our school and 100% of them received offers from top universities from around the world.

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